COGNITION Socrates already recognized that we cannot recognize the absolute truth beyond doubt in direct observations. Cognition denotes the sum of all thought- and perception processes and their mental results, such as knowledge, opinions, judgments, attitudes,...
RAISED FIST The world is burning, perfidy wherever you look and beyond. In a time of more appearances than substance in which some ugly utopia is reflected to reality. Glass shaped by industry and reflecting themselves as individually sold souls. Can no longer...
KICKFLIP The kickflip is a legendary trick, invented by Rodney Mullen, in which the board rotates 360° around the longitudinal axis. Less than a blink of a eye usually decide about victory or defeat, joy or pain, evolution or restart. Skating is freedom,...
COMPENSATORY JUSTICE The times of compensatory justice have long been numbered. Printed paper is above everything. Money. A man-made god who could hardly be more narcissistic.Ruthless towards everything and everyone, and yet worshiped and adored by most. A distorted...
COMFORTABLY NUMB Control, power, money – jack, queen, king, but you remain the ace. The Game of life. Your brain and state of mind are daily influenced by millions of impressions, which have to be selected. Never before in our history the human eye has been...
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